Our Service Area
The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) is a wholesale water supplier and resource planning agency that serves all of Orange County through 27 retail water agencies (except for the cities of Anaheim, Fullerton, and Santa Ana). Local water supplies meet more than half of Orange County’s water demand. To meet the remaining demand, MWDOC purchases imported water- from the Colorado River and the State Water Project in the north- through the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and distributes this water to its 27 member agencies. 26 of these agencies, comprised of city water departments and water districts, provide retail water services to the public. The 27th is a groundwater wholesale agency responsible for managing and protecting the Orange County Groundwater Basin.
*MWDOC does not serve residential or business customers directly. To report a water emergency such as water main breaks, service leaks, etc., or to change or start a new water service, please contact your retail water provider directly. Contact information for each of these agencies is provided below.
A seven-member Board of Directors governs MWDOC. Each director is elected to a four-year term by Orange County voters who reside within one of the seven divisions in the MWDOC service area. Enter your address and click on the color-coded map to determine your division’s MWDOC representative.