The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) frequently posts public Request for Proposals (RFP) or Request for Quotes (RFQ) in order to solicit bids or quotes from experienced vendors for any project that requires an external professional solution. Requests outline the bidding process and contract terms, and also include timelines, deadlines, and project logistics.

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Browse our recent RFPs / RFQs:

Design, Print, and Delivery Services for Consumer Confidence Reports

Response Deadline: February 17, 2025, at 5:00 PM PDT

This Request For Proposals (RFP) invites Proposals from qualified design and print vendors (Vendor) to produce and deliver high-quality, professionally designed Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs), also known as Water Quality Reports, for participating RWAs.

Design, Print, and Delivery Services for Consumer Confidence Reports

Addendum #1, Updated Supplemental Questions and Responses

Request for Proposals: Geographic Information System (GIS) Needs Assessment

Response Deadline: February 24, 2025 at 5:00 pm

MWDOC invites qualified firms to submit a proposal for MWDOC’s Geographic Information System (GIS) Needs Assessment. The purpose of this RFP is to obtain a qualified consultant team to assist MWDOC in assessing the District’s current GIS environment, identifying and clarifying near-term and long-term needs (organization-wide and by department), assistance with establishing clear organizational and departmental GIS goals, and developing a realistic roadmap with recommendations for resources to accomplish goals, including rough order of magnitude future cost estimates.

Geographic Information System (GIS) Needs Assessment

Response to Questions 2/19/25

Past RFPs / RFQs

2024 RFPS / RFQs

Request for Proposals: To Provide Information Technology Managed Services

Response Deadline: January 22, 2024

The Municipal Water District of Orange County is currently accepting proposals from qualified firms to support the IT Department and provide IT managed services in key areas. The successful proposer shall perform services in accordance with the provisions, specifications, and instructions set forth in this Request for Proposal (RFP). The successful Managed Service Provider (MSP) will be awarded a one‐year contract and may be offered four consecutive options to renew for one additional year.

WEROC: Orange County Regional Water & Wastewater Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan and America’s’ Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) of 2018 Required Components (Risk/Resiliency Assessment (RRA) and Emergency Response Plans (ERP)

Response Deadline: March 8, 2024

The Water Emergency Response Organization of Orange County (WEROC) and the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) are seeking proposals from experienced consultants to provide professional consulting services for the update of the 2012 Orange County Regional Water & Wastewater Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) for MWDOC and 19 participating agencies within WEROC.

Request for Proposals: Landscape Design Assistance and Landscape Maintenance Assistance Program for Turf Replacement Program Participants

Response Deadline: 4:00 PM, March 29, 2024

The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) and its member agencies invite your firm to submit a Proposal to provide professional services for The Orange County Landscape Design Assistance (LDAP) and Landscape Maintenance Assistance (LMAP) Program. MWDOC is soliciting bids from qualified landscape designers to provide 2-hour California Friendly landscape design consultations and 2-hour California Friendly landscape maintenance consultations to participants in MWDOC’s Turf Replacement Program. Each consultation will include a customized front yard landscape design or landscape maintenance plan, respectively, for the homeowner. Multiple vendors may be awarded the contract.

Professional Services for Development of Demand Forecasts for Orange County Water Agencies

Response Deadline: November 11, 2024 at 5:00 PM

The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) invites your firm to submit a proposal for development of water demand model and demand forecasts for all water agencies in Orange County. The primary goal of this project is to develop a new demand model and update water demand forecasts that are regionally consistent for use in each water agency’s 2025 Urban Water Management Plans and for MWDOC’s future regional planning efforts.

Professional Services for Development of Demand Forecasts for Orange County Water Agencies

Request for Proposals – Questions and Responses

Conservation as a California Way of Life Technical Assistance Program

Response Deadline: October 28, 2024, at 5:00 PM PDT

The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) invites your firm to submit a proposal for the Conservation as a California Way of Life Technical Assistance Program (TAP). The primary goal of this Program is to provide Orange County retail water agencies direct assistance with compliance of Make Conservation a California Way of Life (AB 606 and SB 1668).

Conservation as a California Way of Life Technical Assistance Program

2023 RFPS / RFQs

Requests for Proposals: Grants Tracking

Response Deadline: May 12, 2023, 5:00 PM

The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) is seeking proposals from qualified firms (Proposers, Contractors) for services to monitor and track federal, state, and local funding opportunities; provide feedback, as requested, on potential funding opportunities; identify potential funding opportunities and match them to local and regional projects; and provide evaluations available grant opportunities.

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals (from the current contractor as well as other interested parties) from qualified firms/consultants with a proven track record in grants tracking and acquisition services to assist MWDOC in an effort to identify and pursue funding opportunities for projects within its service area.

The successful individual or firm will be awarded a five-year contract.
This RFP describes the district, the required scope of services, the contractor selection process, and the minimum information that must be included in the proposal. Failure to submit information in accordance with the RFP requirements and procedures may be cause for disqualification.


Requests for Proposals: Strategic Digital Communications Services

Response Deadline: May 26, 2023, 5:00 PM

The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) is seeking proposals from qualified firms (Proposers, Contractors) to provide strategic digital communications services and outreach on issues that affect MWDOC and its member agencies.

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified Contractors with a proven track record in strategic digital outreach in Southern California (from the current Contractor and other qualified firms). The selected Contractor will assist MWDOC in strategic digital initiatives, including developing online content, social targeting and listening, media monitoring, and video production services related to issues that may have a direct effect on MWDOC and or its member agencies, and develop and successfully pursue and implement its priorities.

The successful Contractor will be awarded a three-year contract with two consecutive options to renew for one additional year. This RFP describes the District, the required scope of services, the contractor selection process, and the minimum information that must be included in the proposal. Failure to submit information in accordance with the RFP requirements and procedures may be cause for disqualification.

Request for Proposal: Executive Search Firm

Response Deadline: June 2, 2023 by 5:00 p.m.

The MWDOC is soliciting proposals from qualified executive search firms interested in serving as Consultant to the Board of Directors in the recruitment and hiring of the District’s General Manager position.

The Board appointed the District’s Assistant General Manager, Mr. Harvey De La Torre, as Interim General Manager as of January 1, 2023. Mr. De La Torre has been with the District since 2008 and was promoted to Assistant General Manager in 2020. The previous General Manager, Mr. Robert Hunter, was selected after a nation-wide search was conducted. He was employed with the District for nine years and held the position of General Manager, until his passing in January 2023.

In the current reporting structure, the Assistant General Manager, Governmental Affairs Manager, Director of Water Use Efficiency, Director of Engineering/District Engineer, Accounting Manager, Director of Human Resources and Administration, Director of Public Affairs, and Director of Emergency Management, report directly to the General Manager
position as the executive management team.

The Board has oversight of the District and appoints the General Manager to handle day-today operations. The General Manager reports directly to the Board. The Board has the power to set rates and establish ordinances and policies. The MWDOC Board of Directors chair and participate on standing committees and are also appointed as District representatives to the Boards of key agencies and commissions in the region.

The General Manager is a full-time, at-will position, accountable to the MWDOC Board of Directors And responsible for the development, implementation, and enforcement of all District policies, procedures, and ordinances, the oversight of all financial, legal, and regulatory activities, and the effective performance of the District’s major functional areas, including but not limited to MWD Representation, Public Affairs, Governmental Affairs, Emergency Management, Water Use Efficiency, Water Loss Control, Water Resources Planning, Finance and Information Systems, and Human Resources and Administration.

The General Manager position requires a strong knowledge of the water industry, key stakeholder groups, current social, political, and economic trends, and operating problems of water districts in California. In addition, the selected candidate for the position shall possess the characteristics of a strong and proven leader and a person of integrity. It is the District’s goal that its General Manager will have the ability to provide resonant leadership and vision to the organization; develop a collaborative working relationship with the Board, staff, member agencies and all other stakeholders and agencies; and work with the Board and the District’s management team to set both short- and long-term goals, set priorities, and deliver on those objectives.

The total number of employees currently stands at 37 full-time and 7 part-time personnel.

Request for Proposal: Assistance with Completion and Submission of Lead and Copper Rule Revisions

Response Deadline: 3:00pm July 26, 2023

The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) is seeking proposals from qualified firms (Proposers, Consultants) to provide professional technical and project management assistance with the completion and submission of US EPA Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) Service Line Inventories (SLIs) through a menu of service categories for multiple retail water agencies in Orange County.

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified firms for professional services related to the completion and submission of multiple Orange County water system providers SLIs to the California State Water Board Division of Drinking Water prior to the October 16, 2024 deadline as required in US EPA Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) regulations.

The successful Consultant will provide professional services to multiple water agencies in Orange County through this coordinated effort. This RFP describes the District, the required scope of services, the consultant selection process, and the minimum information that must be included in the proposal. Failure to submit information in accordance with the RFP requirements and procedures may be cause for disqualification.

RFP LCRR – Service Line Inventory June 18 2023 Final

Attachment C MWDOC Standard Agrmt for Consultant Services updated 020321

Clarifications to RFP ENG. 2023-01

Responses to Questions RFP ENG. 2023-01

Request for Proposal: Classification and Compensation Study

Response Deadline: September 13, 2023

The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) is currently accepting proposals from qualified firms to provide professional services related to the execution of a total classification and compensation study for benchmark management of all full-time and part-time positions within the District. The successful proposer shall perform services in accordance with the provisions, specifications and instructions set forth in this Request for Proposal (RFP).

MWDOC currently has 45 employees which includes 38 full-time positions consisting of Administration, Finance/IT, Government, and Public Affairs, Engineering and Planning (includes Emergency Planning), Water Use Efficiency departments (includes Water Loss Control), and Metropolitan Issues and Water Policy; as well as several part-time and intern positions supporting various departments. All positions are non-represented.

The Municipal Water District of Orange County’s compensation philosophy is that of desiring to provide salary ranges and benefit practices that are competitive with market practices. The District establishes its salary ranges by considering the median of the market place. In administering benefits, the District considers prevailing and emerging practices related to the District’s labor market. This approach has been adopted in an effort to attract and retain the best available staff and continue in its commitment to quality service to the District’s member agencies.

It is the District’s practice to conduct an annual planned pay structure adjustment survey in November of each year, of the direct labor market agencies, to assist in evaluating the percentage adjustment for the salary ranges for the upcoming fiscal year, effective July 1 and the merit pool amount. The most recent changes to the pay structure included a 7.45% increase to the ranges only (not to individual salaries) which was approved by the Board at its June 2023 meeting. Changes to the pay structure are adjusted based on the average of the CPI-U for Los Angeles/Long Beach/Anaheim for the previous 12-month calendar year. Adjustments to the pay structure are implemented to stay competitive with market since the last comprehensive survey in 2021. The District does not grant Cost of Living Adjustments to employee salaries.

Employees receive an annual merit increase based on performance. A merit pool amount is established by the Board during its budget process and goes into effect the first full pay period in July of each year. The merit pool amount is determined based on the methodology used in establishing the salary structure adjustment (CPI-U) and takes into consideration whether the CPI amount is in the negative to high range, utilizing a multiplier based on the CPI-U amount. Based on this methodology and survey results, an 11.45% Merit Pool was included in the fiscal year 2023/2024 budget for merit increases, effective July 2023.

A comprehensive classification, compensation and benefits study is conducted every three years to evaluate market practices and appropriate job grading. Human Resources may conduct interim market analyses for newly established or modified job classifications between the comprehensive surveys.

The District’s previous compensation and classification study was completed in April 2021.

Request for Proposal: Classification and Compensation Study

Response to Questions: August 29, 2023

2022 RFPS / RFQs

RFP No. FIN0322-001 – Financial Statement Audit Services

Response Deadline: March 22, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m.

The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) is seeking proposals from qualified Certified Public Accounting firms to perform audits and issue opinions on MWDOC’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. The original agreement will be for one year with the option to extend for an additional four years per MWDOC’s discretion. The audit is to be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United States of America and the State Controller’s Minimum Audit Requirements for California Special Districts.

A copy of MWDOC’s prior years independent auditors report will be made available upon request and can also be found on our website, www.mwdoc.com. It is the proposing firms’ responsibility to obtain a thorough understanding of the scope of the audit and the work to be performed in order to successfully complete the audit. There is no expressed or implied obligation for MWDOC to reimburse responding firms for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request.

Proposals for RFP No. FIN0322-001 – Financial Statement Audit Services will be received by mail or email and must be received by Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) by 5:00 p.m. on March 22, 2022.

Proposals being mailed shall be enclosed and sealed in an envelope, clearly marked RFP No. FIN0322-001, on the outside of the envelope, and mailed to:

Municipal Water District of Orange County
P.O. Box 20895
Fountain Valley, CA 92728

Proposals being emailed must have the subject line of the email read: Proposal – RFP No. FIN0322-001 – [Insert Proposer’s Name] and emailed to: