Turf Replacement

The Municipal Water District of Orange County, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and your local water agency bring you the Turf Replacement Program (Program). The goals of this program are to increase water use efficiency within Orange County and reduce runoff leaving the properties, which eventually enters the ocean.

Through this Program, residential and commercial customers of participating retail water providers are eligible to receive incentives for removing turfgrass from their properties (for qualifying projects).

Your participation in this Program is voluntary and is encouraged by your local water agency. Maximum rebate paid will not exceed the overall project costs, as described in the program application.

Thank you for your interest in the Turf Replacement Program!

Turf Replacement Application:

Turf Replacement Application

  • Artificial or Synthetic Turf is not eligible for a rebate.
  • Please do not remove your grass until your application is approved. Projects that are underway or already completed prior to the receipt of the “Letter to Proceed” email are not eligible to participate.

Program Documents and Resources

Contact Information

For questions about the program, please call (714) 593-5036 or email turfremoval@mwdoc.com.

A rebate program application and all of the personal information listed in it is public record and will be made available to any member of the public who requests it. By signing a rebate program application, the applicant acknowledges that applicant has no privacy expectations to this information and waives any claim to such.