School Programs

The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) has been educating Orange County students about the importance and value of water for five decades. Since the school program’s inception in 1973, more than 3.5 million Orange County students have learned about Orange County water resources under one of the most successful and well-respected water education programs in Southern California.

The MWDOC Water Education School Programs are offered as CHOICE programs. By opting in, water agencies and cities throughout Orange County collectively bring students in grades K-12 water-focused lessons and hands-on activities that give students the opportunity to identify local water supply sources, explore the challenges faced by Orange County water providers, and discover the importance of using water wisely. All K-12 programs offered support California content standards and curriculum frameworks.

Orange County teachers, find out if your school is eligible to participate in our FREE countywide water education programs by filling out the interest form below.

MWDOC K-12 Choice School Programs Flyer (English & Spanish)

FREE supplemental resources for parents, teachers, and students

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Elementary School Programs

Grades K-2

Shows That Teach offers Orange County students in grades K-2 fun and informative assemblies that use music, humor, and audience participation to engage students in water-centric topics such as the water cycle, water supply resources, and conservation. This exciting program also includes hands-on pre- and post-activities that encourage students to reflect on their relationship with water. Through artistic expression, puzzles, games, word challenges, and more, students explore ways to use water wisely and discover how access to clean, fresh drinking water improves our daily lives. All MWDOC Choice School Programs are free to approved schools and are offered either in-person or virtually. To schedule one of these engaging sessions offered to K-2 students, please visit:

Together, MWDOC and the Family of Orange County Water Providers also offer a fun, engaging video series on the importance of water! To learn more, visit:

MWDOC K-2 Choice School Program Flyer

Grades 3-5

Through grade-specific classroom sessions, Orange County Department of Education’s Inside the Outdoors offers interactive lessons for students in grades 3-5 that include valuable instruction on the history of California water, local climate and water sources, and how to use water efficiently. Each session includes student prompted interaction, demonstrations, and pre- and post-activities that guide students to examine how access to a reliable source of drinking water is important to every community. Participating students and their families will also receive resources that complement the topics covered during the classroom session including outdoor activities and science and art projects. All MWDOC Choice School Programs are free to approved schools and are offered either in-person or virtually.

MWDOC 3-5 Choice School Program Flyer

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Middle & High School Programs

The MWDOC Middle School Program and High School Program are also presented by Orange County Department of Education’s Inside the Outdoors and consist of interactive classroom sessions for students in grades 6-12. Through participation in these programs, students investigate challenges faced by water providers and identify sources of human impact on the quality, quantity, and availability of water in their communities. These engaging programs include hands-on pre- and post-activities that guide students to develop solutions to real-world problems. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in field study and volunteer days of service to receive credit toward their required service hours. All MWDOC Choice School Programs are free to approved schools, and are offered either in-person or virtually.

MWDOC 6-12 Choice School Program Flyer

OC School Eligibility

Orange County teachers, fill out the interest form below to be contacted about your school’s eligibility to receive the MWDOC water education programs.


For questions related to these programs, contact us at