School Programs
The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) has been educating Orange County students about the importance and value of water for five decades. Since the school program’s inception in 1973, more than 3.5 million Orange County students have learned about Orange County water resources under one of the most successful and well-respected water education programs in Southern California.
The MWDOC Water Education School Programs are offered as CHOICE programs. By opting in, water agencies and cities throughout Orange County collectively bring students in grades K-12 water-focused lessons and hands-on activities that give students the opportunity to identify local water supply sources, explore the challenges faced by Orange County water providers, and discover the importance of using water wisely. All K-12 programs offered support California content standards and curriculum frameworks.
Orange County teachers, find out if your school is eligible to participate in our FREE countywide water education programs by filling out the interest form below.
MWDOC K-12 Choice School Programs Flyer (English & Spanish)
FREE supplemental resources for parents, teachers, and students