Things to Know!

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Every other month, the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) publishes our eCurrents Newsletter, offering valuable water-saving tips and resources for Orange County residents and businesses.

Our goal is to educate, inform, and empower our communities to conserve water, safeguard our water supply, and reduce water waste. Scroll down for the latest articles!

Recent Articles


5 Hot Tips! To Help Your Garden Beat the Summer Heat

Summer heat can take a toll on both you and your garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, these tips will provide practical ways to nurture your garden efficiently and sustainably during the hot summer months!

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CCR Article

5 Reasons to Care! About Your Annual Water Quality Report

Stay informed! Your local water provider publishes a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) annually detailing water sources, tested contaminants, and how your water quality meets Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards.

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